#TBT – Happy Lemon

 The HAPPY Musketeers

Today is Thursday, a day where you can bring back goo old memories. Ha-ha. Photos above were taken last year (June 2012), during Z’s first visit here in Manila. P and I loves Happy Lemon’s best seller – Green Tea with Rock Salt and Cheese – so much. Thus, we recommend it to Z and she loves it, too! And when I say, love, it means that we need to have at least twice a week as a minimum dosage of it. It's an addiction to the highest level. By the way, if you don't want the taste of green tea, you can try the Cocoa with Rock Salt and Cheese.

If you’re looking for a thirst-quencher or to chill in a while with a twist taste then you have to try Happy Lemon drinks.

Have great day ahead! One more sleep and its #TGIF! Teehee.



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