CBTL | Cheese Muffin

I love cheese! I eat all the things that are edible as long as there is a cheese! It’s weekend, another comfort food have been eaten from The Coffee Bean and The Tea LeafCHEESE MUFFIN! I love how moist and soft the muffin was and take note it has real cheese bits inside. A cheesy and fluffy muffin from CBTL that really tasted good.

Till next time,


Jam Santos said…
Daly said…
mmm it looks good. I have never tried cheese in muffin. . . but I do like cheese (who doesn't!) and will have to try this! :D. Do you bake a lot too? I'm happy I found your blog! I love food, and you always give me good ideas of things to try. I'm your newest follower! If you have time, I would love it if you checked out my fashion blog. If you like it and decide to follow back that would be awesome! I plan on doing a giveaway if and when I get my 100th follower (I'm at about 95 right now) and hope you can participate! Hope to hear from you soon!


Mar said…
I love everything cheesy too! - Mar
Aylin Vedad said…
@ Jam; Thanks Sweetie!
Aylin Vedad said…
@ Daly; Thanks for dropping by sweetie, followed you too! =)
Aylin Vedad said…
@ Mar; Thanks for visiting sweetie! Everything with cheese are yummy! =)

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